Friday 3 February 2017

AFF take incompetence to artistry..

The faceless beast wreaks havoc and fails to provide the service it has been paid for._ Soo:I feel that I work for my money, it should be my choice what to do with it, and I work overtime so I can afford to buy myself nice things while still putting money away.(3 February 2017) Soo:He says he [...]

When I go back to update it it blocks me from updating my religious and political veiws and when I go back to relike it only lets me like maybe up to 50 pages then I have to wait 2-3 hours before I can like anymore.
(2 February 2017)

She gets in there and changes my profile and unlikes all my stuff.
(2 February 2017)

I had to change my FB password 3 times because she keeps hacking into it.
(2 February 2017)

She gets into my iPod my Facebook and my phone.
(2 February 2017)

She's 17 I'm 19 she's always getting into my stuff.
(2 February 2017)

My little sister has been super annoying lately.
(2 February 2017)

Reasons for my parents to get back together? Plz help me?
(2 February 2017)

I m 17, there s this guy that I ve known for nearly over a year, we tried to have something before and it just didn t work out.
(2 February 2017)

How to start developing my ideas?
(2 February 2017)

Sometimes those ideas are just too big to do all alone, and in this case what can I do?
(2 February 2017)

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