Saturday 4 February 2017

Christmas Trivia – how many will you get right?

on the first day of Christmas there are 10 – don’t look at anyone else’s answers.. how many can you get right?1 In Frosty the Snowman, who brought Frosty back to life?2 Who lost $8,000 in It’s a Wonde_ Shona:Throughout the relationship, she got more and more distant, started ignoring my needs, wasn’t there for me [...]

I wasn't into name brands, fashion or mainstream culture.
(3 February 2017)

As a teenager, I was always rejected because I acted too differently.
(3 February 2017)

We started going home and to work in the morning together because she lives like a minute walk from my place.
(3 February 2017)

I have been single for 2 years after a failed really long relationship.
(3 February 2017)

Which of the following physical traits would be most unattractive to you in a woman?
(3 February 2017)

And which one bothers you the least?
(3 February 2017)

Wide hole in vagina, crooked teeth, big long crooked nose, thin hair, shriveled up saggy breasts.
(3 February 2017)

How did you know when you were with THE ONE?
(3 February 2017)

There is a special guy in my life. and i think he could be my one and only. how did you know when you met your one?
(3 February 2017)

Should I text my ex because I'm going to be coaching a fitness class she's in?
(3 February 2017)

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