Sunday 26 February 2017

cute and nice

Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey // Sandra:Ok so I read an article reguarding how much screen time is ok for children and it sugests that infants younger than two not be allowed to watch tv at all but are movies ok for a baby?(25 February 2017) Indira:Do I have a chance with intimacy?(25 February [...]

This conversation never happened.
(26 February 2017)

Pump and dump?
(25 February 2017)

Anyone else just rest feed right through it?
(25 February 2017)

And that don t seem to be happening and if any passes through milk is is a lot or very little?
(25 February 2017)

I have taken Advil cold and sinus I hear you can t give them the milk?
(25 February 2017)

Hello I pump breast milk for my twins and wanted to know how long do I pump and dump?
(25 February 2017)

My bf s birthday is coming up soon. I wanted to give him something creative and coming from the heart rather than buy something? Ideas?
(26 February 2017)

I don t know I m just one of those people that are creative and like to put a lot of thought into their gifts?
(26 February 2017)

Or maybe a reasons I love you jar?
(26 February 2017)

I was thinking of doing a date night jar for him since we can never decide what to do?
(26 February 2017)

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