Friday 24 February 2017

December Rain and Thunder

Everybody was freaking out. They were asking when the last time we had thunder in December, here in Nebraska. Wasn’t it just last year. I remember it being a very rainy December. I’ve thought about_ Marth:I have always listened to her cry and get angry and just be a good listener for her.(23 February 2017) Marth:I have [...]

Sorry I just feel so sorry for my little one and she was very small when born so really dont want her not putting on weight, she was only 4lb 15oz when born.
(24 February 2017)

If during the night I make up a few bottles in advance when should I add the Carobel, when I heat the bottle up before the feed or when I am making it up before refrigerating?
(24 February 2017)

But I have few questions about it.
(24 February 2017)

I only mention carobel because my doctor mentioned trying it if the comfort didnt work.
(24 February 2017)

But I know her spit up is still a problem so was wondering if I could use the stage 1 cow and gate and add Cow and Gate Carobel to the formula or does anyone have better ideas.
(24 February 2017)

So when she was sick last feed I decided to just give her a carton of the ready made cow and gate stage 1 and she took four ounces and seemed more settled.
(24 February 2017)

She was also only taking three ounces with it when previously she had been taking four ounces in a feed and she is now nine weeks.
(24 February 2017)

I think I have gave enough time for the comfort to work but it has ended in my little one progressively being more sick and spit up no different.
(24 February 2017)

She is also sick more often and it seems to be getting progressively worse to the point where three of her bottles a day she is being sick after and wanting fed straight after.
(24 February 2017)

I have now nearly finished the second carton of this and it has made little difference, just now her spit up is thicker.
(24 February 2017)

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