Monday 6 February 2017

Dumb asses need to read the profile before ANY contact is made!

Orrick, Missouri // Scarlett:She didn’t believe me and said where did i really get it.(4 February 2017) Scarlett:I stole this pencil case and a key chain and came back home telling my mom I found it on the sidewalk outside our apartment.(4 February 2017) Elza:Is it wrong to be friends with an ex if you [...]

I have a 1 hour drive to my parents house.
(5 February 2017)

I will be leaving shortly to go visit my parents and stay for supper.
(5 February 2017)

According to the messages he's feeling her.
(5 February 2017)

So i found he be smoking weed with a girl for awhile now.
(5 February 2017)

Normally i don't go through his phone but I want to see if he was talking to someone else.
(5 February 2017)

So i was taking pics with my boyfriend phone.
(5 February 2017)

He was also hinting I fill up his car with gas since he was broke and when I didnt do it he seemed annoyed.
(5 February 2017)

When I brought it up he got angry with me.
(5 February 2017)

Instead he went to a political event with friends, shopped with his mom, and went to his sons ballgame.
(5 February 2017)

I got very very sick that week and worked all week as well when I shouldn't have and he never put any effort to see me once and expected me to come to his place.
(5 February 2017)

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