Monday 6 February 2017

Femme simple

Port Louis, Mauritius // Mitchell:I am seeing this girl (18) for 4 months, and last week found out that she was not virgin.(4 February 2017) Lela:Why are white girls always attracted to me but not my Mexican girls?(4 February 2017) Tomeka:Do I have a love for Vancouver?(4 February 2017) Tomeka:Of course, I don’t do things for [...]

I didn't know he was behind me and I accidentally swung back and hit him in his nose and it was all bloody and it turns out he needs surgery ;( I feel so bad like I've been crying over it :( What should I do?
(5 February 2017)

Hiding boyfriend from parents?
(5 February 2017)

If a guy has been staring for two years..?
(5 February 2017)

It has gotten to the point where I could be in the cafeteria or outside and I'd look up & he'd be intensely looking right at me.
(5 February 2017)

Why would he stare at me for that long when there are plenty of other girls willing to give him a chance?
(5 February 2017)

There's this guy that has been staring at me for about 2 years now and it's slightly getting uncomfortable.
(5 February 2017)

Are all women already taken? How can you tell if they're NOT taken?
(5 February 2017)

I think dating these days is impossible because more women are turning feminists and lesbians for some reason, some people think Hillary is a Lesbo or Bi.
(5 February 2017)

He avoids eye contact up close?
(5 February 2017)

When I talk to him from a little distance, he is able to look at me, but he fidgets in his seat and makes small smiles while looking at me.
(5 February 2017)

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