Saturday 11 February 2017

Gay Or Not Gay?

I grew up with quite a few gay people because of growing up in the dance and theater worlds. Back in those days, I only understood that you were straight or gay. Bisexual didn’t enter the equation for_ Lakenya:Caught my friend’s driver touching himself outside school!! Please help?(9 February 2017) Lakenya:I have not told my friend about [...]

I am 17 and I just moved in with my 19 year old boyfriend.
(10 February 2017)

Me and my ex girlfriend broke up because i was too jealous of her best-friend. we broke up because of that. Now they are together ?
(10 February 2017)

How are social media accounts or any other databases hacked?
(10 February 2017)

I'm not really interested in the mechanism of hacking, I am merely curious for an exclamation though.
(10 February 2017)

Am I the only one that believes sex would've been better off being unpleasuable?
(10 February 2017)

Mainly for the fact that I hate seeing it sit above Love it self, that I see being more valuable then sex.
(10 February 2017)

I refuse to see it as a gift from God, and honestly wish he would have dropped it down compared to where it is now.
(10 February 2017)

This is honestly sad, and even annnoying seeing sex being put on a alter by pretty much everyone with how it thrown around by society and such, making people go as far as cheating, lying, and other means to get it.
(10 February 2017)

Then one or both don't love each other anymore, thus making sex the only reason the 2 loved each other to start with.
(10 February 2017)

And if the other stops putting out.
(10 February 2017)

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