Monday 6 February 2017

Hi. I’m here

Bangkok, Thailand // Era:The last few times we tried to have sex he wouldn’t say stop but he would close his eyes and have a scared look on his face and then when I stopped touching him he would have a phew face.(5 February 2017) Era:This time his behavior is worst.(5 February 2017) Era:Then recently [...]

Her and her friend hung out with me and my friend the whole day.
(5 February 2017)

On Thursday, We went on a trip for school and our friend groups merged and we ended up talking quite a bit.
(5 February 2017)

I never really spoke to her and we didn't ever talk until this week.
(5 February 2017)

I have thought all year that this one girl in one of my classes was pretty but she is a junior and I figured she was probably out of my league.
(5 February 2017)

I'm a sophomore guy in high school.
(5 February 2017)

Who is inside the Cleveland Monsters mascot, Sully?
(5 February 2017)

I recently went to a monsters game and was wondering who is inside the costume?
(5 February 2017)

Delaware's close in age exemption? Could someone explain this to me since I cant find updated info. Thanks?
(5 February 2017)

Im very confused and trying to understand the laws since i just turned 18 and dont wanna make any mistakes Thanks.
(5 February 2017)

Say an 18 year old has sex with a 17 year old and the parents are okay with it, would the close in age exemption apply here?
(5 February 2017)

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