Saturday 4 February 2017

I cant sum myself up in 10 characters😌

Mesa, Arizona // Oma:So not only does he talk about pretty young girls but he says these things to her.(2 February 2017) Oma:Also when showing him a pic of her sisters who are really think he said didn’t you say you were the big 1 in the family.(2 February 2017) Oma:Which she obviously already knew.(2 [...]

I feel like an idiot because I like him and want to get to know him more.
(3 February 2017)

He comes back saying he misses me and he s sorry.
(3 February 2017)

He has done this 3 times already.
(3 February 2017)

He gets upset and doesn t speak to me.
(3 February 2017)

I have made it very clear that I am not going to sleep with him.
(3 February 2017)

He has said this to me since June when we met.
(3 February 2017)

He has been mentioning sex to me and told me he doesn t want a relationship.
(3 February 2017)

I don t have these things although I do have a college degree and I work it s just not enough money.
(3 February 2017)

We have been talking on and off since June and went out once.i come to find out he has a great career and his family has money.
(3 February 2017)

Its not the greatest job so I am assuming this is the reason this guy treats me this way.
(3 February 2017)

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