Wednesday 8 February 2017

i just want him to eat pussy

i have a that i call on every once in a while. He never minds coming over, but he never goes down. He loves for me to do it on him, but I dont because the favor is never returned. I love the sex and_ Simona:I didnt care if she wanted to tell me off, I [...]

My period isn't due for a week or two.
(7 February 2017)

I've felt sick, had cramps, back ache, leg pains, and mood swings.
(7 February 2017)

The next day I was feeling sick all day and I've just got more symptoms since them.
(7 February 2017)

I masturbated with a dildo that had sperm on from the night before.
(7 February 2017)

Did he really cheat on me, or was he sexually assaulted?
(7 February 2017)

He says he cheated, but a lot of people said it sounded more like sexual assault.
(7 February 2017)

The third time she pulled him into bed with her, they made out and she put his hand in her vagina but he stayed there for a few seconds.
(7 February 2017)

She kissed him and he pushed her off and said no, it happened again later she grabbed him and said they should have sex and he said no.
(7 February 2017)

They were both drunk, he was more drunk that her, he went to go help her puke and instead she tried to lure him there to have sex.
(7 February 2017)

Why teens listen to kids song?
(7 February 2017)

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