Wednesday 1 February 2017

Interested in looking around to find some fun times

Beverly, New Jersey // Faye:Everything was better then ever then out of no where she got bad anxiety and eventually led to her just randomly ending it and wanting to work on herself again bc she never did from before.(31 January 2017) Faye:We then started out slow again because we knew that we had [...]

We plan to get engaged in 2 years and married in 3. I just need advice on how to learn to better accept his occasional activity.
(31 January 2017)

He does it in moderation but I still hate it.
(31 January 2017)

He is unable to do it when he will see me at all that day and we hang out at least 3x per week.
(31 January 2017)

He does it with his friends to relax after all his responsibilities (school, work) are finished.
(31 January 2017)

I despise the idea of him smoking and hate that he still does it.
(31 January 2017)

He has smoked on and off since high school and has just decided to start again.
(31 January 2017)

My boyfriend and I are both 23 years old and have been together for 5 years.
(31 January 2017)

I don't 'feel' pregnant, I just feel like my period is coming really late.
(31 January 2017)

My last pregnancy scare was much worse, and this one is just really relaxed.
(31 January 2017)

I always have pregnancy scared even though I use protection.
(31 January 2017)

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