Thursday 23 February 2017

Lets enjoy LIFE …

Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil // Leona:Ok so my ex and I became close friends.(22 February 2017) Christopher:Do I take him back?(22 February 2017) Christopher:But we have been talking for about three days now and everything is so much different.(22 February 2017) Christopher:So i said okay then he texted me a minute later saying i love you i [...]

Is it normal to secretly hope he doesn't someone good because you don't think he deserves it?
(22 February 2017)

Is he taking me for granted?
(22 February 2017)

I also wish he was more consistent... I wanna tell him how he acts but he's probably gonna act dumb about it.
(22 February 2017)

I just wish he wasn't such an asshole like, I invited him to a school event so he can come see me & his excuse was that he doesn't like going to school events & doesn't like my school in general.
(22 February 2017)

Even when I'm mad & don't text him the whole day, he'll make up an excuse to text me randomly.
(22 February 2017)

He makes me mad most times cause of how he acts towards me... I treat him well.
(22 February 2017)

We both expressed how much we like each other & it's great but I guess these are just his flaws.
(22 February 2017)

I shouldn't always have to be making the first move tho.
(22 February 2017)

He can take 1-2 hours just to reply to my text, he says he wants to see me but never makes the effort, he only mentions it when I bring it up.
(22 February 2017)

The thing is that .. Idk he acts like an asshole.
(22 February 2017)

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