Sunday 5 February 2017

Looking for a womans touch …

Calgary, Alberta, Canada // Vivienne:I’m not trolling and any rude answers will be reported.(4 February 2017) Vivienne:How can I help her associate sex with pleasure and love not pain and dominance?(4 February 2017) Vivienne:Now she’s scared I’m going to get frustrated and rape her or leave her all together which devastated me.(4 February 2017) Vivienne:I ask [...]

Should I move in with my dad n evil step mom or remain at my mom and her evil bf?
(5 February 2017)

My mom degrades me n steals money from me n my dads wife degrades me n lies to me.
(5 February 2017)

My mom n her bf treat me just as bad as my dads wife does.
(5 February 2017)

My bf is all up for it but I do not know what I want... my moms bf makes me pick up after his son my mom n him.
(5 February 2017)

Well in 2013, I lived with them for a year and she bitched about me not doing anything but my dad knew I did alot for her.
(5 February 2017)

Since I was 12 my dads wife was evil to me and treated her kids like royalty and when it came to my dads kids me n my half brother she would treat us like peasants.
(5 February 2017)

What does it mean when a guys eyes bug out when he is talking to you?
(5 February 2017)

He broke up with me because he cant make me happy?
(5 February 2017)

Why do women marry men who have no money and still live with their parents?
(5 February 2017)

No 30 year old man should be living with his parents playing video games and smoking weed all day.
(5 February 2017)

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