Wednesday 8 February 2017

Men Are Sensitive Creatures

I know most of you will object to that statement, but it doesn’t change my resolve.A number of you have voiced your protest against my 6′2″ and up rule, not understanding that there are no personal, a_ Ulrike:I also feel like I’m going to regret throwing away those memories.(5 February 2017) Ulrike:But at the same time I [...]

They may be beautiful but they're honey traps.
(7 February 2017)

American black women are terrible.
(7 February 2017)

Is it painful to suffocate to death with a pillow over the face or a plastic bag?
(7 February 2017)

Just wondering since I've been very interested in knowing abut death now for some reason.
(7 February 2017)

Cheated on deployed husband, feel like a slu- and a traitor. What do I do now?
(7 February 2017)

But I also am quite certain it'll be the end of our marriage, not to mention it'll hurt him beyond words.
(7 February 2017)

I feel incredibly guilty and think he deserves to know.
(7 February 2017)

I was lonely and missing sex, and before I knew it.
(7 February 2017)

This morning a neighbor was over helping me fix my leaky toilet, and we started talking about a variety of things.
(7 February 2017)

I've always been a very sexual person, but also very faithful, both to my husband and my morals.
(7 February 2017)

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