Saturday 25 February 2017

Minority Chief Whip avails himself without hesitation

This is to avoid possible irreparable damage that our less informed positions might cause one of our own. Finally, we urge patience with leadership in spite of our individual disappointments. Korsi Senyo is the Founder of Senyo Global Group, Awake Africa Newspaper, and African Centre for Peace Building._ Gema:Everytime she tries telling my mom, … Continue reading "Minority Chief Whip avails himself without hesitation"

But if I purchase a house and if I was to divorce my wife, is there something she could sign that is legally binding that says if we divorce, she cannot get the house?
(24 February 2017)

My brother doesnt like Pizza??!!??!should i hit him?
(24 February 2017)

Should I message him and what should I say?
(24 February 2017)

Does that foot fetish guy still post?
(24 February 2017)

I don't know his name but ik he posed as a girl ahaha and he spammed like every day when I first joined.
(24 February 2017)

Is it obvious when actors use the staring method to cry?
(24 February 2017)

I tend to use the staring method frequently, but is it really obvious.
(24 February 2017)

How do I leave him before he realizes just what a mistake he's making?
(24 February 2017)

My issue is that I don't deserve someone like him and even though I want him, there is another woman out there who would be more than happy to give him the attention and stuff in a relationship.
(24 February 2017)

I don't like kissing in public, or affection like that generally, but I'm willing to do it in private.
(24 February 2017)

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