Sunday 5 February 2017


Padova, Veneto, Italy // Madelene:How to get rid of rumors?(3 February 2017) Madelene:The people recognize me as someone who they were told about I dont really appreciate it as we do not talk and I do not know anyone I find it really annoying to be left out and people try make me bad [...]

I REALLY REALLY miss a girl from high school?
(4 February 2017)

I've also tried talking to girls in college but she's about 100x better than anyone I've talked to so far.
(4 February 2017)

I'm so glad to be out of hs but at the same time I've been really depressed since graduation because I know that there is a good chance i'll never see her again.
(4 February 2017)

I graduated last June and she's a year younger than me and since we never see each other anymore she got a boyfriend and doesn't talk to me anymore.
(4 February 2017)

No I don't miss actual high school at all except this girl.
(4 February 2017)

Why do I feel bad after my first kiss?
(4 February 2017)

Me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex about a week before my predicted period.
(4 February 2017)

Im 21 pregnant and unwed what do i do how do i tell my mom?
(4 February 2017)

I need to raise my baby in a nice house in a good neighborhood not an apartment.
(4 February 2017)

Ive always been anti abortion but im in school and just starting up with a new job living in the ghetto in long beach.
(4 February 2017)

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