Saturday 4 February 2017

Official Answer

As I watch my inbox collect a layer of dust day after day I noticed there was one thing the few messages and chats shared by asking me ‘am I bi’. I debated the why, how and if and came up with this_ Alverta:We have been in an LDR (Long Distance Relationship) for 1 year and [...]

My fertility tracker estimated that I could have ovulated on the 30th, 1st or 2nd.
(3 February 2017)

So I don t think it was in long enough this cycle to prevent ovulation.
(3 February 2017)

On the 30th, the day after I had unprotected sex, I removed my nuvaring after it had only been in for 6 days due to leaving for an extended vacation.
(3 February 2017)

I ve been on Nuvaring for 4 months, so it s still new to my body.
(3 February 2017)

I had unprotected sex on January 26 and 29th.
(3 February 2017)

But when he's alone and he sees me, he walks away really fast.
(3 February 2017)

Every time this guy looks at me (he's usually with a group of friends), he looks at me through the corner of his eyes and sort of hides behind his group of friends?
(3 February 2017)

How to handle a move?
(3 February 2017)

Im gonna be living in the same townand go to the same school, but my dad wanted to move cuz its just me and him in this 4500 sq ft house since my sister went off to college, and he feels we dont need all this space. i REALLY dont want to move.
(3 February 2017)

Christian help wanted. Why do I, a girl, seem to get feelings of love-lust for guys I barely know so easily?
(3 February 2017)

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