Saturday 4 February 2017

So, I’m super curious here

And I’m just wondering, here. What’s the point of messaging a woman you’re 20 years or more outside of the age range of, simply to whine that you think she’s stuck up, or likes herself too much?Like,_ Dorathy:No one knows about the pictures except him and me, as far as I know.(2 February 2017) Dorathy:We’re still kind [...]

When I was pregnant he would jab me in the stomach so the feeling was mutual.
(4 February 2017)

Her brother abused me and drank all the time.
(4 February 2017)

I couldn't even get one word in.
(4 February 2017)

She then proceeded to tell me how much her dead brother hated me and I told her what does this have to do with anything and how was that resolving the matter.
(4 February 2017)

She then called and started screaming at me.
(4 February 2017)

I told her that she could have called me as well instead of lying and name calling on social media.
(4 February 2017)

She responded with a bunch of swear words and told me I could have called if I had a issue.
(4 February 2017)

I kindly confronted her my a message telling her this was unacceptable.
(4 February 2017)

Recently I found out that my daughter's Aunt called me a fat, lazy pos Mom with a bunch of lies attached on social media.
(4 February 2017)

His family didn't know me and doubted and refused my child in the beginning till I slammed them with a paternity test.
(4 February 2017)

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