Friday 24 February 2017

Sweet, happy,fun and adventurous

Gobabis, Namibia // Debora:When my mom got wind of this her feeling were totally hurt because she wanted to host my shower, however, she really isn’t in the financial position to do so.(24 February 2017) Debora:So my soon to be mother-in-law and sister-in-law offered to host my bridal shower.(24 February 2017) Tawnya:What are fun, exciting, [...]

What do I do when my aunt dies if my mother tries to hold me back from the funeral?
(24 February 2017)

I can drive but am not an adult yet (16) so still have to follow my mother's stupid rules.
(24 February 2017)

I am close to the aunt and want to go.
(24 February 2017)

My mother often objects to me seeing my Dad or his family and my Dad will be there.
(24 February 2017)

Is it true to NEVER be friendly with coworkers?
(24 February 2017)

My brother just committed suicide Wednesday, how should I feel?
(24 February 2017)

My mother said she'd come with me as she keeps up with an aunt of mine though she hasn't spoken to my father in years.
(24 February 2017)

I feel confused and will be seeing my Dad tomorrow and again next Wednesday at the funeral.
(24 February 2017)

I knew my brother had emotional problems as well but not close enough to help.
(24 February 2017)

I have also always had mixed feelings about my Dad not showing more interest in me.
(24 February 2017)

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