Friday 3 February 2017

te levo ao céu

Minas Gerais, Brazil // Evie:We lasted about 2 months. 3 years later, here she is.(1 February 2017) Evie:Our relationship didn t last long because she was trying to move way to fast.(1 February 2017) Evie:Anyway….. An ex of mine just recently came into my life and she really likes me A LOT.(1 February 2017) Evie:I get [...]

Getting to know a girl I've already been intimate with?
(2 February 2017)

She definitely remembers it like I do.
(2 February 2017)

I approached her again briefly to make sure I didn't make her feel too uncomfortable that night and she was completely okay about it.
(2 February 2017)

Plus she's funny and cool and seems to have some kind of common interests so I'd LOVE to get to know her more.
(2 February 2017)

We were lying down while we made out, I caressed her and playfully smacked her butt and she giggled quite a bit when I did this.
(2 February 2017)

Poll: Don't bother wiping my eyes because the tears dry on their own?
(2 February 2017)

My Dad is flying somewhere Saturday (to Dallas) and I am scared his plane will crash and he'll die. Is it a good chance of this?
(2 February 2017)

What do I do if he does since my Mom won't let me see his family again if he has died (my parents are divorced).
(2 February 2017)

How do I get over the anxiety of all the family conflicts my mother is in and how it might reflect poorly on me?
(2 February 2017)

I am the collateral damage of these feuds she has.
(2 February 2017)

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