Thursday 9 February 2017

The password has been on its last legs for some time

Lee Painter argues that those risks mean the traditional password won’t be disappearing any time soon. Naturally, governments have been at the forefront of this move. The appeal of biometrics as a means of authentication is easy to understand. It combines enhanced security with ultra-convenience._ Bok:I have to leave shortly to go pick up my daughter [...]

My dad wont talk?
(8 February 2017)

Whenever I try to tell him I'm not he just yells stop Bullshitting me I know you're lying.
(8 February 2017)

My dad always thinks I'm lying and wont let me even speak to him about it.
(8 February 2017)

Where should our relationship be after two and a half months?
(8 February 2017)

Should I prepare to get my heart broke?
(8 February 2017)

I have confronted him about this and he says he is unsure of things and wants to move slow.
(8 February 2017)

He does cute things to show he cares but he is sending me mixed messages.
(8 February 2017)

One second he is super affectionate the next I have to ask him to kiss me.
(8 February 2017)

I've been dating this guy for two and a half months and things are moving really slow.
(8 February 2017)

I have a paternal determination issue. Does anyone know the exact calculations of conception or have any advice for my dilemma?
(8 February 2017)

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