Sunday 26 February 2017

To make friends to laugh, live & lust

Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India // Fern:Why are european men so bad in bed?(25 February 2017) Lore:Can anyone answer my social security question?(25 February 2017) Lore:Does the Social Security office need an original document of a divorce decree in order for me to start receiving early social security retirement money?(25 February 2017) Maida:Liam Payne or Liam Neeson?(25 February [...]

If i haven't looked at porn for 15 months did i beat my addiction?
(25 February 2017)

So I just got turned down, heartbroken said she sees me as a friend. What should I do know?
(25 February 2017)

Should I just not talk to her and I have a class with her.
(25 February 2017)

I've already heard that and i still want to do it.
(25 February 2017)

I'm a 14 year old boy and me and my girl friend are having sex tomorrow and i want to do anal but in afraid it will hurt because my penis is 5.5inches and she has a really tight butthole.
(25 February 2017)

My brother is an inmate and says he needs addresses and phone numbers for family members for some court hearing, is that a thing?
(25 February 2017)

I haven't trusted my brother in years which is why I'm cautious.
(25 February 2017)

Name for Protagonist?
(25 February 2017)

He's eighteen, tall, and muscular, and a badass.
(25 February 2017)

I don't think I want this relationship?
(25 February 2017)

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