Monday 20 February 2017

Using the wife/girlfriend as bait

Why do bisexual men do this? If a couple is strait, and looking for another couple, and they explain they’re not into m/m play, why do some men still try to pursue? Do they think we’ll be fine with n_ Sulema:I just don’t want to feel left out.(20 February 2017) Sulema:I tell myself that because my friends [...]

He said it was because we didn't have sex as often as he wanted to . A couples of months is when we do. life is busy.
(20 February 2017)

Most of the girls who bullied me back in high school are now either pregnant or engaged.
(20 February 2017)

I am only 22. I unfortunately have a big forehead and big boobs.
(20 February 2017)

Everyone my age is getting engaged or pregnant except for me.
(20 February 2017)

My boyfriend asked me to go with him to the movies on Friday. How can I convince my mom to let me go?
(20 February 2017)

We are both 12. My mom doesn t know that he and I are dating, but she does know I have a crush on him.
(20 February 2017)

I might have a crush on my step sister s friend?
(20 February 2017)

I m eighteen and she s sixteen, yeah I know it s wrong but I have a feeling in my stomach or heart when I talk to her.
(20 February 2017)

Ugly polish girl names?
(20 February 2017)

She gave me a really cringe-worthy nickname, so I promised one in return within three hours, but thirty minutes remain and I still haven't made up something.
(20 February 2017)

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