Sunday 26 February 2017

Why is it now days woman

Are not attracted to white guys I wanna no._ Eva:I got into a relationship with someone but it just didn’t feel right because i was too much in love with the other guy.(26 February 2017) Eva:My problem is… i can’t be in a relationship with someone else.(26 February 2017) Eva:He probably doesn’t see me as a friend yet [...]

My family doesn't like me at all that's not even an understatement.
(26 February 2017)

As soon as we moved up here to La Pine Oregon I started doing drugs and lying.
(26 February 2017)

My life was great there I didn't do drugs or lie.
(26 February 2017)

We came from Los Angeles California.
(26 February 2017)

I am such a compulsive lier I am starting to hut the people around me.
(26 February 2017)

I go to a trashy school where drugs are so accessible.
(26 February 2017)

I live in a trashy neighborhood.
(26 February 2017)

It may not sound like a big deal but for me it is.
(26 February 2017)

I've quit smoking pot completely.
(26 February 2017)

I would like to quit doing both those things.
(26 February 2017)

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