Friday 31 March 2017

A final NON PC Christmas( gotta gat it out of my head).

Alf a foul mouthed communist was walking with his wife, she said “I’m getting wet, is this sleet, rain or snow”?He replied ” You silly cow it’s effing rain”!Which shows tha_ Carla:She said Monday is the anniversary of the 1974 tornado she said if anyone posts on Saturday a tornado warning as a joke she’s gonna [...]

I've never been in a relationship, I guess I like the chase more than the actual possibility of a real relationship?
(30 March 2017)

He's still a really cool person, one of the sweetest guys I've met but I just don't like him that way anymore but it's confusing cause i can't really tell.
(30 March 2017)

I've had a thing for this guy for over two years and I got to know him and we text and I know he likes me but now that I actually have a chance with him I sort of lost romantic interest.
(30 March 2017)

Why do I feel bad(depressed) that my girlfriend (younger than me) knows more than me. How can I feel better?
(30 March 2017)

Besides learning things she don't know?
(30 March 2017)

My husband wants to move out. But I don't want to. Can I take over his lease?
(30 March 2017)

He wants me sitting on the back burner.
(30 March 2017)

Be paying for the rent lights and water plus caring for our child's.
(30 March 2017)

He wants me to change everything over too my name.
(30 March 2017)

How can I get myself to introduce myself to this really cute Asian guy in my class?
(30 March 2017)

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