Tuesday 28 March 2017

All is well With me…

[image]For the last couple months or so I had abandoned my cam girl work in favor of conventional everyday employment. I am still a woman of leisure working 3/4 time… very early mornings sorting par_ Avril:I was already out for the entire day 2 weeks ago for various appointments, so I don’t really want to ask [...]

It's for a family member who CAN be sweet, but she's given her immediate family so much grief, and eventually she chose to move into someone else's family.
(28 March 2017)

Is this a slutty pic?
(28 March 2017)

Face would be included but is this selfie slutty?
(28 March 2017)

18 years old with four body counts?
(28 March 2017)

I'm clean as I got checked last week and have used plan B once.
(28 March 2017)

I became sexually active seven months ago and I've had four sexual partners.
(28 March 2017)

I don t know how to explain it but can someone tell me why I feel it. I feel like I m on a boat when I m laying down in bed. I feel heavy?
(28 March 2017)

I feel like one leg is higher than the other when they re on an even platform and my arms are not mine. it feels like this isn t my body.
(28 March 2017)

I feel like I m swaying so much and so hard I m about to fall off the boat.
(28 March 2017)

Did I scare him off ? !!!!?
(28 March 2017)

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