Monday 20 March 2017

and the holiday begins

a week and a half will spoil me for sleeping inmy daughter is hosting dinner this yearit will be different and am sure wonderfulto all those out therethe MERRIEST of CHRISTMASES and ALL THE BEST for t_ Vertie:Please is there some kind of tea or anything I can do.(18 March 2017) Vertie:I can’t tolerate the smell and [...]

If I get permission from my mom can I live with my grandparents upstate to go to school with my friends is it legal since my mom is my guardian?
(18 March 2017)

Is it normal for your girlfriend to give you a wedgie?
(18 March 2017)

Is that a normal thing couples do or is that just weird?
(18 March 2017)

It was my birthday today and in the morning my girlfriend just gave me a wedgie for a suprise I guess.
(18 March 2017)

Do short girls only like tall guys or do they like short guys too?
(18 March 2017)

Id love to have a short, pretty girl to just hold and love and cherish and call my own but i'm starting to feel like it will never happen.
(18 March 2017)

I always see short pretty girls paired up with tall guys which gets me down because now I feel like i'll never find a girl for me since short girls always want tall guys.
(18 March 2017)

The thing that worries me is that short girls apparently only want tall guys and hate short guys.
(18 March 2017)

I find that tall girls have no interest in me which doesnt really bother me because I find short girls far more attractive.
(18 March 2017)

Is it ok to confront him or will I look crazy?
(18 March 2017)

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