Thursday 2 March 2017

babysitting all weekend

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada // Demetra:This turned into a class debate when the teacher went to the bathroom.(1 March 2017) Demetra:He claims since he has 2 african american friends (black) he is allowed to say that.(1 March 2017) Demetra:I told him he shouldn’t say that and he told me its okay because he has a [...]

However, Ik that there are people who aren't as fortunate at me and even though all of the stuff I got retailed at really high prices, it just felt wrong to sell it at high prices.
(2 March 2017)

The nursery she has all costed a good bit, upwards of 10,000$. I grew up really poor, but several months before I became pregnant with her, my family inherited a good bit of money so it wasn't a big deal to spend that much on her nursery.
(2 March 2017)

She is now ready for a toddler bed, and doesn't need a changing table, etc.
(2 March 2017)

So my daughter has grown out of the stage where she needs a nursery.
(2 March 2017)

Good middle names to go with this?
(2 March 2017)

I want it to flow nicely, but it's kinda hard to do with a two part first name.
(2 March 2017)

I'm having a baby girl, and her first name will be Monica Esme (Judge me all you want, I really love the name lol) but I am stumped on a good middle name.
(2 March 2017)

Why do people treat me like a kid?
(2 March 2017)

She thought I was 12 but I am 24. I graduated college and don't need adult supervision.
(2 March 2017)

This woman came up to me and asked if I needed to be babysat.
(2 March 2017)

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