Monday 27 March 2017

Beware of the dangers of Social Networking

Yesterday, I was shopping around on Amazon. I was looking at “Ordinary” things (DVD, pet supplies, books, etc). I added things to my wish list and browsed some more. I came across some “Sexy” thing_ Emerald:Not a crazy request by any means, but I’ve never done this before so I don’t even know what to say?(26 [...]

What can I do to make sure she doesn't get too suspicious and catches on to what i'm really up to?
(26 March 2017)

I would rarely go out before I met her so now my mom is suspicious of what I've been doing and questioning why I'm staying out so late even though I tell her I'm fine and at a friends house.
(26 March 2017)

I've been hanging out with her a lot and sleeping over at her house.
(26 March 2017)

I have a girlfriend who is a bit older than me (I'm 19 and she's 24) with kids and I wan't to keep it a secret from my family because they're very judgmental, over protective, and I know they wouldn't approve even though i'm happy.
(26 March 2017)

My girl best friend told me she's not with him with him?
(26 March 2017)

When i was at work she was with another guy sitting on his lap they weren't kissing or anything and not touching inappropriately long story short i confront her and told her I'll stay out of their way I'll back off I don't want to be a bother.
(26 March 2017)

My this have feelt cramped since about 8:00pm to 1:35 am how concernd should I be?
(26 March 2017)

I went to a restaurant and I pretty much sat in the same position the whole hour or half and hour in the same position I keep on sitting when I got home its been like this from abut 8:00 to 1:25 I'm worried there's something wrong can you guys help me?
(26 March 2017)

Drank tonic water while breastfeeding?
(26 March 2017)

Should I be worried if it is going to affect baby?
(26 March 2017)

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