Monday 6 March 2017

“Big Tits” aka how NOT to approach a woman.

BIG TITS. That was this guy’s opening line. BIG TITS.Unfortunately, Messenger cut his initial message off, but this is what followed:[image1][image2]Guys…trust me. I already know I have big tits_ Shandra:Once, he confessed to me in private that he actually dislikes people and wants nothing to do with them.(4 March 2017) Shandra:He is great friends with a man [...]

And when I do it's almost an hour before I get a response.
(6 March 2017)

Recently it seems like if I never texted her we wouldn't even talk.
(6 March 2017)

However, I'm getting tired of doing everything.
(6 March 2017)

I understand she has a new job and is busy.
(6 March 2017)

It seems like I do everything to keep the relationship afloat while she's just on autopilot.
(6 March 2017)

My problem is that I am always the one who puts forth the effort.
(6 March 2017)

She recently got her first real job.
(6 March 2017)

Is it a good pickup line? (Description) If it's bad, how can I make it better?
(6 March 2017)

I did not need shoes for a quick 10 minute drive.
(6 March 2017)

I had to pick up my sister at her friends house so since I did not go in anyplace I drove in my bare feet and did not bring my shoes.
(6 March 2017)

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