Wednesday 29 March 2017

cash is tight

This is for all the people who get on here to dream about that beautiful woman or man you see , the one u dream of is the one picture you see EVERYTIME you come on here. You may never admite it to any_ Eliana:That’s cool but he continued to flirt and such with me giving [...]

However, I neglected to get her phone number but I friended her on Facebook and she accepted my friend request.
(28 March 2017)

Patrick's Day, I met a really fun woman at the bar.
(28 March 2017)

Did a home made test for a joke?
(28 March 2017)

And it said I'm pregnant ha ha I'm not as my period is coming so why did it react to the soap and urine .
(28 March 2017)

7-8 weeks along in pregnancy....feel terrible?
(28 March 2017)

I'm just not sure I should ask to leave again since 1) I'll be late tomorrow due to my appointment, and 2) I just took off a whole day 2 weeks ago.
(28 March 2017)

My boss is a very understanding man who always tells us if we don't feel well, to go.
(28 March 2017)

I could some more sleep, that part is certain.
(28 March 2017)

They don't have space to squeeze me in today, and if the blurred vision returns I should do directly to the ER.
(28 March 2017)

I've already called the doctor's office.
(28 March 2017)

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