Wednesday 22 March 2017

great game

The rather well to do lady as mention before had arranged another meet which sounded really good this time with another man as well so i was very excited,Same as before as i knew where she now lived i_ Josephine:Me and her started being intimate recently (he’s always out partying and ignoring her) and I love [...]

How do you make him realize how awesome you are?
(21 March 2017)

I don t know if I said or did something.
(21 March 2017)

He isn t asking me questions about myself hardly and just talks about him or things that have happened during our day, boring stuff.
(21 March 2017)

He isn t taking me out on dates as much or paying for things.
(21 March 2017)

We have a great connection and have fun together but feel like he s pulling back.
(21 March 2017)

This guy & I usually have a good time together, and I might want to lose my virginity to him.
(21 March 2017)

I know it is better to lose your virginity while dating someone, but I haven't dated anyone since I was 14 and I know I won't date until college maybe even after because I am too picky when it comes to guys.
(21 March 2017)

I met this guy 3 months ago who's 19, and we've hooked up a lot since we've met.
(21 March 2017)

I gave my girlfriend's friends drugs after school. what's the issue?
(21 March 2017)

I met her friends after school and gave them drugs cuz it's cool. she found out and got really upset, why?
(21 March 2017)

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