Monday 6 March 2017

Happy Holidays to all

We hello there all you beautiful people. It looks as if another holiday time has come wich means a new year is just around the corner. So I would like to thank all that has made this such a great year_ Freeda:It’s been about 1 week in the off phase and I am wondering if my [...]

Now I try not to talk about it when she does in fear it will start another argument and I could push her away if I pry too much.
(6 March 2017)

We've talked about it before and she's knows a I'm not particularly comfortable with it.
(6 March 2017)

My girlfriend of three years has recently been talking to her ex almost every day for about 2 months.
(6 March 2017)

Why does he always want me near him?
(6 March 2017)

Also, he says my name over and over. he's not even helping me all that much, its like he just wants me in there, very strange.
(6 March 2017)

Also, when I try to ask him a question, he stares at my eyes for 10 seconds or so and then later on answers me.
(6 March 2017)

My boss always wants me to work in his office, he sits at his computer and yes, we sometimes talk- but he asks me to do my work in there with him when I have my own desk.
(6 March 2017)

Girls how long do you wait for a guy to kiss you?!?
(6 March 2017)

But she still looks at me from side and smiles when I talk to her.
(6 March 2017)

But I wanted to kiss her sooner but it's getting late.
(6 March 2017)

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