Saturday 4 March 2017

inexperta XD

Ciudad de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile // Lashon:So I was just wondering how would I be able to stay hard with this condom on?(4 March 2017) Lashon:The negative reviews mainly consist of people saying that once they have it on they can’t stay hard.(4 March 2017) Lashon:I’ve been reading the reviews on the condoms and they [...]

My sister has had her baby. very healthy baby everything is good.
(4 March 2017)

What do you think of the name Elodie?
(4 March 2017)

Do I have a chance? If so can you help?
(4 March 2017)

Does the age difference make a big difference to girls and di I still have a chance?
(4 March 2017)

She said she wasn t and that people ask her that a lot.
(4 March 2017)

We haven t known eachother for very long, but the other day in the lunch line I turned around and she looked sad. (I have never talked to her before this) so I asked her why she looked so sad.
(4 March 2017)

I m a 16 year old sophomore and she is a senior.
(4 March 2017)

Do you think he's serious about wanting to have a baby with me?
(4 March 2017)

How serious do guys have to be to talk about wanting to have a baby with someone?
(4 March 2017)

He's very good looking, smart, down-to-earth, playful, compassionate, and loving person.
(4 March 2017)

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