Tuesday 28 March 2017

It Always Goes by so Fast!

Once more Christmas has come and gone and I am amazed how quickly it seems to go! Still the excitement of the preparations, the gift buying, wrapping, decorating, and baking are now fond memories for_ Delilah:My brothers heartless, and is cutting family away. Why?(28 March 2017) Delilah:I feel like he loves his girlfriend more than his family [...]

I always tell them that I am going to be going to college soon and they won t be there but they don t care.
(27 March 2017)

I know they trust me but I just can t convince them that they need to let go.
(27 March 2017)

They don t even let me go to the grocery store alone.
(27 March 2017)

I am not allowed to go to the mall without one of my parents.
(27 March 2017)

I do have my drivers license and a car, but my parents make me ask them if I want to go anywhere and most of the time they say no.
(27 March 2017)

I am every parent s dream child yet my parents still won t allow me to do anything on my own.
(27 March 2017)

I am seventeen years old (nearly 18) and I am very responsible.
(27 March 2017)

And she said naw I don't think you could handle that.
(27 March 2017)

Anyway I showed a picture of a guy I like to a female friend.
(27 March 2017)

I just moved out on my own in my early 30s.
(27 March 2017)

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