Friday 3 March 2017

Je cherche …

Montreal, Quebec, Canada // Deidre:We are long distance and I haven’t seen him in a month and a half.(3 March 2017) Laurette:He also told me he cannot be in a relationship right now since he is too busy, even though he said he wants more of a relationship.(2 March 2017) Oleta:I need advice here?(2 March [...]

Why does he brag about how hot big boobs are in women but rarely compliments me unless I am wearing at least foundation?
(3 March 2017)

I am 20 and he is 22. He says that she is hot but she really is a loser because she used to have a ddd size chest.
(3 March 2017)

We got married in September of 2016 and we started dating march 2016. He tells me that this girl who I hate is gorgeous because she has a 34D size chest and I am still an A cup.
(3 March 2017)

He never communicates he doesnt want to me go but when I tell him things he just sits there in silence and becomes more frustrated cuz he cant speak.
(3 March 2017)

I understand he started stable job, works odd hrs. (restaurant business) I just don't see why you cant ask about my day, hows class.
(3 March 2017)

Sometimes I do not understand why he just doesn't get it.
(3 March 2017)

I have been stress about school and work and taking tole on me.
(3 March 2017)

Since hes not a communicator he stresses about but being able to talk and express emotions.
(3 March 2017)

He's still affectionate, just not sex in past month.
(3 March 2017)

Past 3 months, ( 1 of it I had job) I have been unhappy.
(3 March 2017)

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