Thursday 2 March 2017

la belle rencontre avec moi

Colmar, Alsace, France // Larry:Abortion at 18?(1 March 2017) Larry:My friend is 18, is it possible to get an abortion without her parents finding out?(1 March 2017) Sidney:If my best friend is being cheated on, should I tell her?(1 March 2017) Iva:Charles, Daniel, George or James?(1 March 2017) Iva:Which of the three should we name our sons?(1 [...]

When a woman has a baby it hurts; how does it not hurt having a hard penis being jammed in and out of you when our hole is so small?
(2 March 2017)

Is it ok I want to fight all the time?
(2 March 2017)

Everytime I do this I get a massive adrenaline rush and my heart starts pounding fast and hard.
(2 March 2017)

I always put on headphones listen to some music and imagine myself in a group fight against another group.
(2 March 2017)

Why does this girl get so mad when I don't talk to her? Someone answer please?
(2 March 2017)

It's not much of an issue, I just avoid her and problem practically solved.
(2 March 2017)

I'd ask her myself but it'll just cause problems.
(2 March 2017)

I don't see her in any way other than just some co worker because she's taken and I don't really date co workers, especially taken ones.
(2 March 2017)

She stopped but still gets mad and will do little things to upset me at work.
(2 March 2017)

She use to try so hard to get me to talk to her.
(2 March 2017)

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