Monday 27 March 2017

Ladies,do you like to watch?

There are many couples on here whose male half likes to watch their lady with other men and get very turned on.Ladies, do any of you like to watch your man with other women? Why? How did you get sta_ Rashida:The other day when I had sex with my girlfriend, I ejaculated inside her and I [...]

My husband and I are 11 years apart we've been together for 13 years.
(26 March 2017)

Need help with sibling name?
(26 March 2017)

I already have my boys' names picked out, but what girl names fit with Jensen?
(26 March 2017)

I really like the name Jensen for a girl, but I'm having a hard time thinking of complementing names for possible sisters.
(26 March 2017)

What is it called when parents abuse their children but the children are over 18?
(26 March 2017)

She has been taken away by CPS when she was younger but given back within a year and her parents beat her even more for it.
(26 March 2017)

She has tried to leave but the parents threaten to call the cops and her and tell them she is trying to do something that will harm others so she would be put into a mental hospital or something.
(26 March 2017)

They beat her and allow her older brother beat her as well as her younger brother.
(26 March 2017)

My friend is 23 and her parents won t let her take her car and go to work, won t let her do her own taxes, and have a gps put in her car so they know where she goes.
(26 March 2017)

How could I ensure full custody of my babies and stay afloat?
(26 March 2017)

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