Saturday 4 March 2017

looking to see what’s here

Calgary, Alberta, Canada // Samira:What does it mean to despise someone?(4 March 2017) Samira:Does it mean to look down on them?(4 March 2017) Renata:It’s been two weeks, we hardly text, just occasionally.(4 March 2017) Renata:She ended things with me after 4 months.(4 March 2017) Laurena:How to ask her to be your girlfriend?(4 March 2017) Laurena:Would flowers be something [...]

I know he'll reply if I contact him but it pisses me off that I have to be the one to initiate at the weekends.
(4 March 2017)

But he still didn't contact me Saturday.
(4 March 2017)

I told him before this bugs me and told him again this Friday that it annoys me.
(4 March 2017)

We chat a a lot Sunday- Friday but he usually doesn't contact me on Saturdays.
(4 March 2017)

I've been seeing this guy for a few months and we're not seeing other people.
(4 March 2017)

I have a crush but I don't know how to talk to him!?!?
(4 March 2017)

I'm too shy to go up to him and can't really talk to him during mass.
(4 March 2017)

I know his name and stuff but he doesn't know mine (I don't have fb). How am I going to start a concwrsation.
(4 March 2017)

I see him at mass and my mum helped me find him on fb.
(4 March 2017)

I have this huge crush on this guy but I'm really shy of him.
(4 March 2017)

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