Sunday 26 March 2017

No drafts

I have been writing a blog post in my head but the ink is starting to effect my vision (bazinga).I wanted to write it over time since it takes me so long to write. When I write, my hands just transcr_ Melodee:I really hate lying but I can t live like this.(25 March 2017) Melodee:There are a [...]

When, how, and what should we do if so?
(24 March 2017)

We have started talking now for 4 months over text and Snapchat.
(24 March 2017)

We have known each other since kindergarten but not talk or know know each other.
(24 March 2017)

We go to different schools but in same town.
(24 March 2017)

I'm 16 she's 15 and we are both sophomores.
(24 March 2017)

She seems enthusiastic when we talk and she doesn't ever seem bored.
(24 March 2017)

Like we've known each but never have talked.
(24 March 2017)

I have good girls friends in my grade who know her well and they always hang out when it's not school related.
(24 March 2017)

We Snapchat, text, etc... But that's the only way we talk.
(24 March 2017)

We just started talking to each other 4 months ago ish.
(24 March 2017)

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