Saturday 25 March 2017

One Liner Chit-Chat Or Bitches For Laughs

May You Have The Naughtiest Christmas Ever I don’t get it! Why does anyone who watched me on Cam; Yes (couple) then think they could write a testimonial calling me a man ? SMH. Should you reall_ Christi:There’s 4 of us in the band he’s the only one who acts that way.(24 March 2017) Christi:I try talking [...]

18 and my mom wont let me grow up?
(23 March 2017)

To let me know that this isnt okay and that im not going crazy.
(23 March 2017)

I just want somebody to help me.
(23 March 2017)

She is constantly yelling at me.
(23 March 2017)

I just want to be able to enjoy life but I cant because she makes that impossible.
(23 March 2017)

She will not let me go out and hang with friends.
(23 March 2017)

She complains about me not having a job, but when I try to apply for a job she interferes saying that I am not allowed to get a job till I get a car..Well problem is, she wont let me drive or get my license, plus she wants me to buy my own car.
(23 March 2017)

It is definitely not because she loves too much, but out of hatred.
(23 March 2017)

So, my mother will not let me grow up.
(23 March 2017)

My balisong:(?
(23 March 2017)

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