Thursday 2 March 2017

There are up to three nested conditionals and lots of returns

Doing this brought me into a little mess. When I refactored my way out of it, I found an emerging pattern. If you look closely, the method consists of three parts. After some checks, the code just jumps into doing whatever is needed for each resource. Nevertheless, it is somewhat important to make the method … Continue reading "There are up to three nested conditionals and lots of returns"

ALSO My hosue smell like raw chickens i put freebreez all over it.
(2 March 2017)

Im stickle so it will make me look like disco ball.
(2 March 2017)

What do is do not becuaae my dog is farting on my dead frog so i think ill pour glitter on my head.
(2 March 2017)

How do I pick between two girls?
(2 March 2017)

I can picture myself with both of them in the future, but it's mostly just a question of which one.
(2 March 2017)

The girl I am friends with we talk a lot and stuff, but the other girl, the dance will hopefully be our first real thing together.
(2 March 2017)

So basically my school's having this dance in 2 weeks, and I'm going to definitely dance with a girl, I am just currently unable to pick which one.
(2 March 2017)

Good first name to go with last name Joseph?
(2 March 2017)

What is a good first name to go with the last name Joseph?
(2 March 2017)

Do you think that I messed up today?
(2 March 2017)

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