Tuesday 28 March 2017

Tinkerbell’s Hissy Fits

If I’ve told Tinkerbell from the outset that I want an open relationship and, in the spirit of openness and honesty, I tell her every time I fuck another woman…is it reasonable for her to chuck a hi_ Donella:Is their any place I can talk to bi women?(28 March 2017) Fonda:What should I get my fiance for [...]

I was in a marriage for 20 years that started to fall apart for the last 10 years I stayed because of the kids but found I could no longer take it.
(27 March 2017)

Why does my ex girlfriend still want to be friends?
(27 March 2017)

Anybody have any ideas on why she still wants us to be friends when she has a boyfriend, is she just trying to keep me around as a rebound in case things don't work out with her current boyfriend?
(27 March 2017)

I'm just confused why she wants us to be friends so badly when she's the one that broke up with me and now she has a new boyfriend.
(27 March 2017)

I still really like her and would do anything to get her back but she just wants to be friends.
(27 March 2017)

So me and my girlfriend broke up about 10 months ago and the thing is that she was the one who broke up with me but she keeps trying to be my friend even though she now has a boyfriend.
(27 March 2017)

Is it bad that I am 19 and still a willful virgin?
(27 March 2017)

Is it bad that I just turned 19 and I am still a virgin?
(27 March 2017)

I have wilfully been a virgin all this time.
(27 March 2017)

Is being an only child bad for everyone?
(27 March 2017)

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