Wednesday 5 April 2017

Adult Book Stores

I happened to visit an ABS (Adult Book Store) in my area today. I haven’t frequented one in some time, so I was interested in what new products they had and if anyone interesting was there. Yes, some_ Callie:It’s 77 degrees out that’s unusual for Ohio weather in April.(5 April 2017) Callie:My friend is feeling really hot.(5 [...]

Would we count as cousins if my aunt and his uncle got married?
(4 April 2017)

I know it's a silly question, but my husband won't stop pestering me to find out.
(4 April 2017)

If they got married, would my husband count as both my spouse and my cousin?
(4 April 2017)

My husband and I just found out that his uncle and my aunt were once a fling and they since then got back together.
(4 April 2017)

Is 23 and 25 too young to live together?
(4 April 2017)

It sucks not seeing her and I feel we're a bit old to be long distance.
(4 April 2017)

We've been together for a year and are pretty serious about each other.
(4 April 2017)

My gf recently had to move 3 hours away for work.
(4 April 2017)

And they will talk about their problems for hours too.
(4 April 2017)

I want opinions to see if I am just ignorant Sorry for the long details Ask me questions if you neeed more detail lol?
(4 April 2017)

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