Friday 28 April 2017


[image][image2]my beautiful mountains , I love to walk outside and view these mountain ranges.. hope you like._ Jeanette:However, he is trying to change his ways and wants to be there for the baby and I want to do whats right.(28 April 2017) Jeanette:He is an alcoholic and can be very destructive and verbally abusive when he drinks.(28 [...]

However, I struggle with deciding on what I should do.. my husband and I have talked about starting a family once he is done with his masters degree.
(28 April 2017)

I'm almost 24, married (3 years), own a home, have great finances, an associates degree, a certification as a medical assistant and really want to start a family.
(28 April 2017)

What does thing feel like?
(28 April 2017)

Im 14 and i'm a virgin.I've been wondering for the past week what does sex feel like?
(28 April 2017)

He's very messy?
(28 April 2017)

I have a 4 year old, and she will tell him every time she see his car or room how messy it is.
(28 April 2017)

Don't get me wrong I'm no neat freak, but pretty messy for me.
(28 April 2017)

The back of his car will fill up with fast food bags( the floor and seat will be covered with it) He has drink containers and water bottles all over his room.
(28 April 2017)

Has excuse is none of them are his beside maybe a cup so why should he have to do them.
(28 April 2017)

He's been there 7 months, and he has yet to wash a single dish.
(28 April 2017)

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