Saturday 15 April 2017

Bad girls like it ruff

Vernon, British Columbia, Canada // Krista:I also can be really shy around people I don’t know.(14 April 2017) Krista:Maybe a bit above average, but not a lot.(14 April 2017) Krista:If I’m being honest with myself I think I’m a pretty average looking guy.(14 April 2017) Afton:Help….Is this a red flag im not engaged to the one…?(14 [...]

One of them thinks she is Nicki Minaj (twerks, rolls her eyes, tries to dress older than 12). The other two have the worst grades I have ever seen.
(14 April 2017)

They have become disrespectful and just all out bad.
(14 April 2017)

I'm just about done with my sisters' children.
(14 April 2017)

I like it it tickles and smells so yummy...Well when you sweat it does...
(14 April 2017)

Only chase the small animals away and let me bask your your glorious fur.
(14 April 2017)

One last thing, he also told me that he doesn't have a crush on this one girl anymore, but i didn't ask anything.
(14 April 2017)

There is much more but i wouldn't want to bore you lol.
(14 April 2017)

When his brother came he looked really upset he had to leave and I just don't know anymore.
(14 April 2017)

He invited me to the park to hang out with my friend and his friend and I said yes.
(14 April 2017)

He tries to take my glasses, throws rocks and sticks at me (to tease me, it doesnt hurt and i do it back) and tries to take my phone.
(14 April 2017)

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