Monday 10 April 2017

Coucou a vous

Belize // Lorene:He said can we still be friends.(8 April 2017) Lorene:I felt guilty so I told him the next day.(8 April 2017) Lorene:He did have his hand on on the back of my head.(8 April 2017) Lorene:But when we touched lips it was like his tongue was in my mouth but I was kissing him.(8 [...]

She used to be Miss Teen West Texas as well... any ideas?
(9 April 2017)

She loves Elton John, so I was thinking maybe saying something from one of his songs.
(9 April 2017)

So my plan is to ask a girl that I like to prom, but clueless what to say.
(9 April 2017)

I've been having strange thoughts from when I was in Alcatraz?
(9 April 2017)

These thoughts include me getting raped by huge German men, at the time I was scarred but now it's slowly making me horny and I don't know what to do?
(9 April 2017)

Did i make a rash decision?
(9 April 2017)

He now says i made a rash decision and he just needed more time to adjust to the idea etc.
(9 April 2017)

SO i left him, moved out and got an abortion and have not seen him since.
(9 April 2017)

I got pregnant and wanted the baby so bad, it was planned..but he couldnt take responsibility and told me over and over to abort it among other hurtful things.
(9 April 2017)

Then he started following me again on all social media accounts and reblogging my posts and liking my pictures.
(9 April 2017)

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