Thursday 13 April 2017

harassment by zoo…. in india room

i m fed up of the harassment by zoo who is most nasty in india room who made india room bad place in years. he instigate people agianst me with his false stories. i dislike this person from day one as_ Ardelia:Help, I come from a conservative family background, both sides of the family, southern closer [...]

Is there a chance that she does?
(12 April 2017)

How do I know how she feels about me?
(12 April 2017)

I'm going to college next year, but I'll only be about an hour away so, provided this all goes as planned... , I could potentially make a long distance relationship work.
(12 April 2017)

Eventually I would like to ask her to ball, but I would like to work my way up toward asking her to ball.
(12 April 2017)

I have break next week and I really don't want to waste all that time that I could be spending with her.
(12 April 2017)

I desperately wanted to go up to talk to her then but wasn't confident enough to.
(12 April 2017)

As she left, she kept looking back at me.
(12 April 2017)

I don t know if they were looking for something or what, but eventually she left.
(12 April 2017)

Yesterday instead of sitting down with her friend, she walked away with her friend and paced back and forth.
(12 April 2017)

Her friends also eat lunch in the foyer and she has a study hall so she ll occasionally join them.
(12 April 2017)

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