Wednesday 12 April 2017

Hello From Chicago!

(A bit of a rant and some good stuff so bear with me)My daughter and I arrived in Chicago yesterday afternoon. For those of you that have taken an extended trip on an Amtrak train, it is not the most_ Palma:I had a crush on this chick last year.(11 April 2017) Mana:How do I prepare an immature [...]

I know from social media that there are other girls that like him too and that he has expressed interest in but he says he is single but that nobody else has to know that we are seeing eachother.
(11 April 2017)

Have Democrats always been this subversive and treasonous or is this a rather new phenomenon?
(11 April 2017)

JFK seemed like an America First type of Democrat.
(11 April 2017)

Am i being too harsh on bf?
(11 April 2017)

Whats the best way to get revenge on a friend who lies about having sex with your fiancee?
(11 April 2017)

What advice would you have for a dude thinking about hurting women because he can't get laid?
(11 April 2017)

I just don't see a way if the guy is not super good looking or willing to be a thirsty manjiania.
(11 April 2017)

He could pull a knife but that is obviously wrong and immoral and illegal.etc.
(11 April 2017)

I mean yeah the guy does have a choice in being a virgin.
(11 April 2017)

Would she have broken up with me?
(11 April 2017)

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