Saturday 15 April 2017

Her grandparents were very successful entrepreneurs who were quite well off

Both of her parents worked a couple of jobs, and always struggled for money. Soon they were all back to broke and it had a negative effect in the way they interacted with each other. Her take away was that easy money was bad. Her takeaway from this was asking for money was bad._ Dolores:I … Continue reading "Her grandparents were very successful entrepreneurs who were quite well off"

But it's very disappointed to me that when I call someone in social networks they replied like they don't know me.
(15 April 2017)

Adult children refuse to leave my home? Been trying to get them to leave for 5 years already?
(15 April 2017)

I want them both to leave together at the same time.
(15 April 2017)

Why do I lose focus when I'm with my boyfriend?
(15 April 2017)

It's hard to focus on anything other than him when he's around me.
(15 April 2017)

Missed 5 days of pills and withdrawal bleeding?
(15 April 2017)

But the pain is so unbearablr and i always think he wil find someone else.
(15 April 2017)

Im in so much pain and grieve im scared il go back to him.
(15 April 2017)

Now i walked away from the relationship and i feel so bad.
(15 April 2017)

Ive been with my boyfriend for a year.
(15 April 2017)

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